アクティブボード・2018年 3月
・・・・・2018年 3月 2日更新・・・・・
2017年度 生命科学系学会合同年次大会 (ConBio2017)
2017年12月 6日〜 9日(神戸)
タイトル;A unique magnetic stimulation with certain pulse sequences ameliorates fibromyalgia-like pain in mice.
発表者;森田 光咲 氏
(熊本大学 大学院生命科学研究部 遺伝子機能応用学分野)
Recent clinical study (unpublished) suggested that a medical device called AT-02, which produces multiple magnetic stimulation (MS), promotes pain relief in patients with Fibromyalgia (FM). FM is a medical condition characterized by chronic widespread pain and a heightened pain response to pressure. In my previous studies, I first established animal models of FM. Moreover, I also investigated the effect of MS treatment on FM-related phenotypes in FM animal model.
First, I confirmed the phenotypes of Intermittent Cold Stress (ICS) mouse model, a mouse model of FM that was previously established by Nishiyori et al. (Mol Pain. 2008; 4:52). Male C57BL/6J mice were placed in a cold room at 4°C overnight, followed by ICS with environmental temperatures alternating between 24 and 4°C every 1 hour for 7 hr. The ICS model was established by repeating this cycle twice. The ICS model mice exhibited long-lasting hyperalgesia and allodynia, confirming that the model is reproducible. We next treated ICS mice with MS (10 min, twice a day, for seven days). Sham-treated ICS mice displayed persistent hyperalgesia for twelve days after ICS as assessed by von-Frey filament test. On the other hand, hyperalgesia was significantly suppressed by MS treatment in ICS mice after 4 days, consistent with the positive effect observed in MS-based AT-02 clinical trial in patients.
Together, my studies thus established 1) a mouse model of FM that can be used for finding therapeutic approaches for FM and 2) a feasible therapeutic approach for FM using this validated animal model. These results provide a proof of concept for MS-based therapy of FM.