     ・・・・・2016年 1月 9日更新・・・・・
・29th International Mammalian Genome Conference, IMGC2015
タイトル;Wnt inhibition facilitates the establishment of stable and homogeneous EpiSCs.
発表者;杉本 道彦 氏
   (熊本大学 生命資源研究・支援センター 疾患モデル分野、理研 BRC)
Epiblast stem cells (EpiSCs) are pluripotent stem cells derived from epiblasts of postimplantation mouse embryos, representing a useful model for studying “primed” pluripotent states. Here we devised a simple and robust technique to derive high quality EpiSCs using an inhibitor of WNT secretion. Using this method, EpiSC lines were readily established with high efficiency; whole embryonic portions could be used without separation of epiblast from visceral endoderm (VE). Expression analyses revealed that these EpiSCs maintained a homogeneous, undifferentiated status, yet showed high potential for differentiation both in vitro and in teratomas. Unlike EpiSCs derived by the original protocol, new EpiSC lines required continuous treatment with the Wnt inhibitor, suggesting some intrinsic differences from the existing EpiSCs. The homogeneous properties of this new version of EpiSCs should facilitate studies on the establishment and maintenance of a “primed” pluripotent state, and on directed differentiation from the primed state.