     ・・・・・2011年10月 3日更新・・・・・

・The KEY Forum in Developmental Biology and Regenerative Medicine

タイトル;Transgelin translates Tead activities to trigger cell competition in mammalian cells.

発表者;儘田 博志 氏
   (熊本大学 発生医学研究所 分化制御分野)
Cell competition is a type of short-range cell-cell communication originally found in Drosophila, in which cells with low fitness are eliminated and replaced by high fitness cells. Relatively little is known about cell competition in mammals. Hippo signaling and its downstream transcription factor Tead control cell proliferation and apoptosis. Here we show that coculture of mouse NIH3T3 cells with different Tead activities causes cell competition. The cells with lower Tead activity become losers and are selectively eliminated. Elimination is triggered by direct cell-cell contacts, and is accompanied by JNK and caspase activation. The subcellular distribution of the Tead coactivator protein Yap is also altered in coculture. Expression of a Tead-Yap-regulated gene, Transgelin, makes the cells winners. Therefore, we propose a model in which differences in Tead activities are detected by direct cell-cell contacts to trigger cell competition, and Tagln translates Tead activity into cellular properties detectable by cell-cell contacts.