アクティブボード・2009年 9月
     ・・・・・2009年 9月 1日更新・・・・・

・42nd Annual Meeting for the Japanese Society of Developmental Biologists.

タイトル;Novel boundary cells in the developing central nervous system.
発表者; 畠山 淳 氏
   (熊本大学 発生医学研究所 脳発生分野)
The developing central nervous system is partitioned into compartments by boundary cells. For example, the zona limitance intrathalamica, Zli is a boundary that separates the prethalamus and thalamus. The isthmus is a boundary between the midbrain and hindbrain. These boundary cells have different properties from non-boundary cells: Cell proliferation rate is low and neurogenesis does almost not take place. They restrict cell mixing between the neighboring compartments, and in many cases act as an organizing centre. The boundaries express several signaling molecules and a bHLH factor Hes1 at high level. In addition to these known characteristics, we found that the apical surface of the boundary cells is distinguishable from those in the non-boundary region. The apical surface of the non-boundary cells is very small with complicated microstructures, whereas that of boundary cells is large and smooth, and the monocilia is prominent.
We identified a novel boundary located near the optic chiasm, corresponding to the preoptic recess. The morphological as well as molecular features of these cells are very similar to other boundary cells: they express Hes1 at high level and Fgf8 is also expressed. Moreover this domain of cells in fact acts as a restriction barrier of cell mixing. Finally, our data suggests that these cells may also act as organizing centre for the eye-field formation.