アクティブボード・2008年 7月
     ・・・・・2008年 7月 4日更新・・・・・

・41st Annual Meeting for the Japanese Society of Developmental Biologists.

タイトル;KEGG PATHWAY analysis of the EGTC Clones.
発表者; 荒木 正健 氏
   (熊本大学 生命資源研究・支援センター バイオ情報分野)
Gene trapping in ES cells is a proven method for large-scale random insertional mutagenesis in the mouse genome. Gene trap vectors contain a promoter-less reporter gene downstream of a splice acceptor and a selectable marker gene. A fusion transcript between the integrated (trapped) gene and the reporter gene can be easily cloned by 5’-RACE. The reporter beta-geo gene can be exchanged into any other DNA of interest through Cre-mediated recombination. We have isolated trap ES clones, determined sequence tags (GSSs) of trapped genes by 5’-RACE, and annotated them by BLAST and BLAT search. The data of trap clones are opened as a Database for the Exchangeable Gene Trap Clones, EGTC (http://egtc.jp). Until the end of JAN. 2008, total 406 GSSs have been registered. Among them, 75% are known genes, 16% are ESTs, and 9% are new genes. 332 GSSs were determined their chromosomal localization through BLAT search.
To know the tendency of trapped genes, we use KEGG web service. More than 200 EGTC clones could be annotated to KEGG GENES. Among them, 58 clones can be mapped to KEGG PATHWAY. Since many genes are involved in multiple pathways, these clones might be affected on total 176 pathways. Interestingly, 21.0% of them are characterized in ‘Signal Transduction’ network, and 16.5% of them are characterized in the network for ‘Cancers’. Since we use promoter trap strategy, trapped genes are expressed in ES cells. Moreover, they might be expressed in cancer cells. Concerning to the first level of network hierarchy, 34% of all pathways are included in ‘Cellular Processes’.