アクティブボード・2008年 6月
     ・・・・・2008年 6月 6日更新・・・・・

・41st Annual Meeting for the Japanese Society of Developmental Biologists.

タイトル;The characterization of liver progenitor during embryonic development and liver injury..
発表者; 松尾 顕 氏
   (熊本大学 発生医学研究センター 幹細胞制御分野)
Upon tissue damage, liver regeneration normally occurs as the result of proliferation of mature hepatocytes. Oval cells have been shown to emerge in regenerating liver when the proliferation of mature hepatocyte is inhibited. Oval cells are considered to be dedifferentiated from bile duct epithelial cells, and have been shown to be bipotential, being capable of giving rise to both hepatocytes and bile duct cells. Therefore, oval cells are candidate adult liver stem /progenitor cells.
In an attempt to address the issue whether oval cells do have a role in regeneration, we aim to identify a novel oval cell marker. Then, we could analyze the fate of oval cells by genetic lineage tracing using this marker.
Here we report the expression pattern of a candidate stem/progenitor marker gene.